New Year’s Skin Resolutions

Here are a few practical, yet effective new year’s resolutions that will help you improve not only your physical appearance, but also your confidence and over all well-being:

I will be sure to always get a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep has tremendous benefits for both the mind and the body. If we are sleep deprived then we may be suffering from irritability, slowed speech, a flattened emotional response, and the inability to multi-task. There are also studies to suggest that lack of sleep can influence our weight, memory and immune system. But remember, when it comes to our appearance, we do call it “Beauty Sleep” for a reason.

When we don’t get enough sleep, we tend to have an increased level of stress hormones in our bodies. High levels of stress hormones lead to inflammation. When we are talking about our skin, this means we could be speeding up the appearance of aging. Lack of sleep can also cause some existing skin conditions, like acne, to worsen. When we’re tired, our skin looks tired. It can look dehydrated, lose its youthful glow and look dull. Remember, sleep relaxes our facial muscles and this is a good thing because it can help smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles we may have. A good night’s sleep allows us to wake up feeling and looking refreshed. So for the sake of overall health and appearance, make a resolution to always get a good night’s sleep.

I will apply moisturizer to my face and body every single day

This is such an easy resolution to make and the benefits will be tremendous. When you get out of the shower or bath, take an extra minute to apply moisturiser from head to toe. Do this while your skin is still damp to help seal in your skin’s natural moisture. Moisturisers and body creams are really great for the skin. Your skin will feel more comfortable and it will look better overall. Dry, flaky or ashy-looking skin does not necessarily look youthful or healthy. There are so many factors that can dry out our skin. Long hot showers, using soaps that are too harsh and even weather can negatively impact our skin. By taking just a minute each day to replenish the skin with much needed moisture can vastly improve how it looks and feels. And remember, when going outside, a moisturiser containing SPF 30 with both UVA and UVB protection is essential to guarding your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. So slather that moisturiser on your feet, your legs, arms, elbows and especially your face for a New Year’s resolution you will love!

Break bad habits in the name of beauty! 

So many people look at the beginning of a New Year as the perfect time to kick their bad habits. Smoking, drinking, too much alcohol, lack of exercise and eating too much junk food all seem to be habits that many people want to kick. These habits can negatively impact our appearance, especially our skin. So if you can kick them for the sake of both your overall health and appearance, maybe you will be more likely to keep these resolutions all year long. Why should we kick these specific habits? Smoking depletes the oxygen from our cells, which ultimately can lead to the signs of premature aging. Too much alcohol can dehydrate your skin and deplete it from vital nutrients. A regular exercise regimen not only results in a toned body, but also leads to toned skin. And, our diet is another key factor. As the saying goes, “We are what we eat.” So it’s important to throw away the junk food and eat fruits and vegetables instead. Look at your bad habits, their effects on the entire body and you will be more likely to break them.

I love the New Year. It’s the perfect time to start fresh. Take a quick inventory on your skin care, hair care and cosmetic products and toss what you haven’t used in a while. Double-check the expiration dates and throw away all expired products. Go through your gym bags and purses and toss out those old lipsticks and lotions that have been in there for a year. And take the time to replenish your favourite products so you can start the New Year on a good note. This is the year to work on improving our overall health both inside and out! Happy New Year to everyone and remember, the healthier we are the more beautiful we are!

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